We Decided To Make A Podcast
hi we’re grace and elsa and we decided to make a podcast. we thought it’d be interesting so here we are.
Categories: Comedy
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But we did find some random podcasts for you!
hi we’re grace and elsa and we decided to make a podcast. we thought it’d be interesting so here we are.
Categories: Comedy
In the late 90’s early aught’s, three friends met in the woods to tell each other scary stories. They recorded their stories, and captured unexplained, paranormal phenomena. The whereabouts of the members of the Scary Storytellers Society are unknown. All that remains are the tapes that were recovered from their abandoned campsite, and after you listen to them you’ll have to ask yourself…Are You Scared of These Stories?
Categories: Comedy
Ran Segall chats weekly with some of the mentors, students, and friends of Flux Academy. We will be talking about design, business, life and everything in between.
Categories: Arts
Ash Schofield and Richard Reeve discuss the world of Barbershop Harmony
Categories: Music
An award-winning English and Social Studies teacher at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, Calif., Larry Ferlazzo is the author of Helping Students Motivate Themselves: In this show Larry pursues practical answers To Classroom challenges.
Categories: Education
Tags: administrators, Common Core Standards, ed policy, Education, educators, parents, principals, professional development, teaching, Technology
What’s it like for a black female business owner and a gay playwright from the Midwest to navigate contemporary America? Best friends Alex and Andrew offer their perspectives on the week and the world in this pop-culture and political commentary podcast
Categories: Society & Culture
Staring May 6th. Welcome to the Art City Podcast (Tripping on rocks)! Here we will feature interviews and discussions from and about, Art City Gallery and Studios located in the heart of Ventura, Ca. Tune in as our host Kevin Carman (Artist), sits down with local Artists connected with and part of Art City to talk about Art, the history of Art City and more. With nearly 40 yrs in the making. For anyone who has experienced Art City, this should be a show filled with memories, untold stories and interesting conversations with perhaps some familiar faces.
Categories: Arts
On this podcast, we’ll be giving you some behind the scenes tips and tricks on video production, photography, and digital media. We’ll also talk to visual media creators and varied business owners about their trials, tribulations, and treasures creating and managing media and content.
Categories: Arts
Shaykh Mohammed Faqih is the doctor of etiquettes and mannerisms. His style in fashion and stride in walk makes you say ‘that man’s fit to be president’. Shaykh Mohammed has melted the hearts with lessons in tazkiya, akhlaq, and even self-discovery and psychology. Shaykh Mohammed traces his roots back to the ancient city of Harar in the Horn of Africa. Originally from Yemen, his forefathers immigrated to East Africa and played a central role in the Islamic history of the region. He completed a BA in Islamic Studies from the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America in Fairfax, VA, and graduated in Qur’an Memorization and Recitation from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He was the Imam at the Islamic Community Center of Laurel in Laurel, MD and at the Islamic Center of San Diego in San Diego, CA. He currently serves as Imam at the Islamic Institute of Orange County, otherwise known as Masjid Omar Farouk.
Categories: History, Religion & Spirituality
Agriculture is our most vital industry, as food is our most basic human need. As the population continues to expand, we are left with the question: “How does agriculture continue to grow for the next century?” At NextGen AgTech, we envision bringing cutting edge technology to agriculture, for generations to come. Tune in to hear from leading experts in the agriculture industry, university professors, cattlemen and other agriculture legends!
Categories: Technology
Let’s ESCAPE the 9-5 together. I’m publishing this so you can all hold me accountable. I’m hoping to show you how someone with no qualifications can break FREE of the grind, and you can too.
Categories: Business
Clarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady is an epistolary novel by Samuel Richardson, published in 1748. It tells the tragic story of a heroine whose quest for virtue is continually thwarted by her family, and is the longest real novel in the English language. (Summary by Wikipedia)
Categories: Arts
Modern Mentor is your guide to leadership and communication, helping you craft a workplace environment you can feel good about. She’ll share tips to help you balance your work and personal life, effectively invest your time, and be mindful about where you’re devoting your energy. Let Modern Mentor help you navigate your path to success—however you define it.
Categories: Business
We will discuss and share with you hints, tips, guides and experiences from destinations across the world!
Categories: Society & Culture
Music, my life, and just anything that pops into my big head
Categories: Comedy
A podcast grounded on helping women shift their heart and mindset to biblical truth.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Host Josh Mills brings together a wide variety of adult children of celebrities for a fun, funny, bizarre, jaw-dropping, strange and wonderful look behind celebrity, by the people that know them best: their very own children.
Tags: Broadway, celebrity, Children, hollywood, nostalgia, parents, rockandroll, theater
Welcome to the Victory Message Podcast – the weekly sermon podcast of Victory Christian Church in Franklin, Indiana. Join your host, Dalton, and the Victory ministry staff as we engage our listeners in our vision of “Connecting People Back to God!” Visit our website to watch us LIVE: www.victorycc.life For sermon notes and more, check out our free app! Apple – https://apple.co/2DFuswJ Google Play – https://bit.ly/31kyq6d Welcome to our May 22, 2022 message, and week 2 of our series, The Unlikely. If you’ve ever thought, “What are the chances that God would ever use someone like me?,” then you’re not alone. Most people would say “It’s UNLIKELY.” But when we open the pages of Scripture, we discover that God used the people that others least expected to accomplish great things. “Am I answering the calling of God in my own life?” Together, we’ll be looking at another set of unlikely heroes who may have wrestled with this very question, but rejoiced in the outcome of their incredible faith. However, for one of them, it was at a cost – a cost that most of us don’t often think about. You can watch our services live on Youtube on Sunday mornings at 9 and 10:30am EST. Subscribe to our channel to be notified when we go live. We’d love to have you join us. Visit us on our website at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWh4LXhHRXZzazJlYmlqWkVZQVYybXljY0lfZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttTkd6SWc2WUM2YVRfbTRMbXFGcUtaVXV4bTZ3MDJ1SllkTW5CZFhkSHZ2ajdmdUtiMmMtQVZYUUdpTWItMVRIeHhVUEVlLU1wU0J6bE1TTGh5TjZ4NUxfbmdKQmFfc2hxc1U3ODZCUlNoMWpIdzlkMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fvictorycc.life%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B (https://victorycc.life) Ready to take your next step? Fill out our connection card here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjdrOVplM0NDM3ZCYWFjbkVtUEtxN0l0dUF3d3xBQ3Jtc0tuQUhGR3ljT0QtaEozZVlHWm5INzVKbWtuVFZGX3JwVDRzZnV1RU04bHJObXJ0YktrQzBiZ252N2g0T3pOaEFsak1SN2lLMkMxbDR2TEQ0Wl9RY28xcENQcnI4b21wWU9iX0ZOS2hMLVZ4bVRQS0NQWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fvictorycc.life%2Fconnect.%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B (https://victorycc.life/connect.) Share your story at https://victorycc.life/stories (https://victorycc.life/stories) Connect with us on social media: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbldJSHFjV3Q2ZEFKQVUtRlpZb0VkQktDOXJid3xBQ3Jtc0trMDRBMlFfVnF1aFdPSDBISElwelUwQkk0a1lVWmRBVjVVTWd5d0JlZm9TOEpORVN3bjBNNGxMTUdCcGprSVBOa1lubUNXcy1kVnktS0RWSjljSTgzcmhYT3F5N0pja29uekV4c2JkN0pOaGxmNF9tMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Ffacebook.com%2Fvictorycc.life%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B (https://facebook.com/victorycc.life) https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGFiWUt4dXp4N2RKZW1QU3NEa09lcDZ1LVhpQXxBQ3Jtc0tuNl9mNUpESk9reFVtWHh0VDJuU05jRTFfNzlwOW1lekFrN01ZSW1ILXQtd2VIT2s4TGlHTFJnVTM0UVFSZk5SMGRLUlpNVUNDTnY2UWlrLUlQM0RfTWpWUDF4OFFGYVozRmpRQ1dNb29nSkZyVnVibw&q=https%3A%2F%2Finstagram.com%2Fvictorycc.life%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B (https://instagram.com/victorycc.life) To support Victory financially, please visit https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblNHRHdFN1NPUlQyLUlrUmt3THRDTHFOWTBMd3xBQ3Jtc0tsSlpIbGN4OGF3Tl8yNFpPZ0djTjZFYzZQQ1lHYXBIeW96dDZ3dlczdGpCQUtpLVhmVHc2V3VzZ1loc3hUUW5icjhpT3ZCMThQY1J3TTVEdFdYYVNnRU1UemdRNkk4MmVnazN6NGtGRGxweHRZYUF1Yw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fvictorycc.life%2Fgive%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B (https://victorycc.life/give) You can also visit our online store at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa00xV2FLR3k4NVRCdlJPbWRYZUFiOUJXOEcyQXxBQ3Jtc0tsMGd1WHpIRWVmXzlNUlJ6UHh5eFVVXzlETTJWNXlyS1VEU3ZkMmZITFduY2lBRG9QWlhkMk12U1hzMVBJSFFiWVQ1aDBYUU5qSVRGbTU5ZVpNSVRqeWx6c193UVY0RzZRUmd1Q19sOTRkNWltSlJBUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fvictorycc.store%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B (https://victorycc.store)
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture